UK-based Fractional COO & Operational Coaching: Combining education, coaching and mentorship - with practical experience, taught in a safe environment...

Hey, I'm Dan, founder here at Operational Voodoo. I've been helping businesses to grow and scale through effective operations for over 20 years, based in London, UK.Over the past couple of decades, I have overcome business challenges that few in Business Operations roles ever get the chance to experience.I have delivered projects others said couldn't be done. Developed solutions to problems others said could not be fixed. And nurtured broken teams that others said needed to be let go.It is through Operational Voodoo that I share these experiences.Helping aspiring businesses to succeed. And accelerating the careers of the next generation of aspiring operations leaders.Want to learn more?

Let's talk!

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Welcome to Operational Voodoo - where we help businesses of all sizes to achieve growth through the power of operational efficiency and effective processes.

Whether you're a local coffee shop owner, an ambitious startup founder, or a VC-backed scaleup, we have the experience, tools and expertise to help you streamline operations, maximize efficiency, and achieve even your most ambitious goals!

The Challenges of Growth: A Universal Experience

Regardless of your market or stage of business, most organisations face similar challenges when it comes to growth.

You might be struggling with:

  • Limited Resources: Managing staff, inventory, and marketing expenses efficiently can be difficult, especially with a smaller budget.
  • Inefficient Operations: Outdated processes and a lack of automation can hinder productivity and negatively impact customer service.
  • Keeping Up with Change: Staying competitive in today's dynamic market requires constant adaptation to new technologies and shifting customer expectations.
  • Strategic Decision Making: Making data-driven decisions and translating those insights into actionable strategies is critical for sustainable growth.
  • Attracting and Retaining Top Talent: Building a high-performing team is essential, but scaling quickly can make it harder to find and keep skilled employees.

Operational Voodoo: Your Secret Weapon for Success

Here at Operational Voodoo, we believe that operational excellence is the cornerstone of sustainable growth. We offer a unique combination of services designed to empower businesses at every stage of their journey:

  • Fractional COO Services: Gain access to the expertise of a seasoned COO on a part-time, flexible basis. This cost-effective solution allows you to benefit from strategic guidance, process optimization, and ongoing support without the commitment of a full-time hire.
  • Operational Coaching and Education: Upskill your existing team and equip them with the tools and knowledge they need to become more effective operational leaders. Our Decisive Operational Leadership coaching programs offer practical strategies, actionable insights, and ongoing mentorship to help individuals and teams unlock their full operational potential.

Unlocking Growth for Every Business:

Let's delve deeper into how Operational Voodoo can be your secret weapon for success, regardless of your specific business goals:

For Local Businesses:

  • Streamline Operations: Free up time and resources to focus on delivering exceptional customer service and building strong local relationships.
  • Optimize Inventory Management: Reduce waste and ensure you have the right products in stock to meet customer demand.
  • Embrace New Technologies: Leverage technology solutions like online ordering or appointment scheduling to enhance customer convenience and gain a competitive edge.
  • Empower Your Team: Equip your team with clear processes and the right tools to work smarter, not harder.
  • Focus on Your Passion: Free yourself from the burden of day-to-day operations and dedicate your energy to building a thriving local business.

For Startups and Scaleups:

  • Scale with Confidence: Implement robust processes and systems that can handle explosive growth, ensuring efficient resource allocation and seamless onboarding of new team members.
  • Attract and Retain Top Talent: A well-defined operational structure with clear career paths makes your company more attractive to talented individuals seeking growth opportunities.
  • Make Data-Driven Decisions: Leverage data analytics to optimize operations, identify growth opportunities, and make informed strategic decisions.
  • Meet Investor Expectations: Demonstrate operational excellence and a commitment to responsible growth, fostering investor confidence and paving the way for future funding rounds.
  • Fuel Innovation: Focus on product development and revolutionary ideas, while we handle the operational side of things.

For VC-Backed Businesses:

  • Establish a Culture of Operational Excellence: Build a strong foundation for long-term success by prioritizing efficiency, data-driven decision making, and continuous improvement.
  • Navigate the Complexities of VC Funding: Our Fractional COO Services can empower you to develop a winning growth strategy, communicate effectively with investors, and achieve operational excellence, positioning you for success in future funding rounds.
  • Increased Agility and Faster Time-to-Market: Efficient operations and data-driven decision making allow you to adapt to market changes quickly and bring new products or services to market faster, gaining a competitive edge.
  • Reduced Risk and Enhanced Operational Excellence: Mitigate potential operational pitfalls and ensure your company navigates growth smoothly. Our proactive approach helps you identify and address challenges before they become major roadblocks.

The Operational Voodoo Difference:

Why choose Operational Voodoo as your partner in operational excellence?

  • Experienced Leadership: Our team is led by Dan, a seasoned COO with over 20 years of experience in guiding businesses of all sizes towards operational excellence.
  • Proven Track Record: We have a proven track record of success in helping businesses streamline operations, improve efficiency, and achieve their growth goals. Regardless of your industry or size, we have the expertise to help you unlock your full potential.

Investing in Operational Excellence: A Sound Decision

By prioritizing operational excellence with Operational Voodoo, you can expect to experience a range of benefits that will propel your business forward:

  • Increased Efficiency: Streamlined operations free up valuable time and resources, allowing you to focus on core business activities like customer service, marketing, and product development.
  • Reduced Costs: Eliminate the overhead of a full-time COO or hiring expensive consultants. Our Fractional COO Services and Coaching programs offer a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes.
  • Improved Customer Experience: Optimized processes and faster turnaround times lead to improved customer satisfaction.
  • Enhanced Competitive Advantage: Utilizing best practices, leveraging technology, and optimizing your operations will help you outperform competitors and attract new customers.
  • Empowered Team and Increased Employee Retention: Empowering your team with clear processes and the right tools fosters a positive work environment and can lead to increased employee morale and reduced turnover.
  • Increased Profitability: Streamlined operations, reduced costs, and enhanced customer service all contribute to increased profitability for your business.
  • Reduced Stress and Improved Work-Life Balance: Knowing you have a trusted advisor by your side can alleviate the stress associated with running a business. This allows you to focus on your work and personal life with greater peace of mind.

Ready to Unleash the Magic of Growth?

Don't let operational challenges hold you back from achieving your business dreams. Contact Operational Voodoo today and schedule a free consultation. We'll discuss your specific needs and goals, and show you how our Fractional COO Services and Operational Coaching programs can be your secret weapon for success.

Here's what some of our satisfied clients have to say:

"Brilliant at cutting through the BS and getting to the point. Dan was so helpful at pointing out where I needed to be concentrating on my business and how to stop wasting money on stupid courses!"
- Founder of a Startup
"Funny, friendly and full of ideas about how you can systemise your business and get your strategy perfect."
- Local Business & Event Speaker
"We cleared my head and thinking of who my ideal client actually is. It was in there but just needed easing out! I liked the way Dan made me dig. So huge thank you to Dan"
- Director, SME Business
"I have had the pleasure of working with Dan on a few projects and found his technical insight, analytical and logical approach, as well as his commercial acumen to be beyond reproach, and as such has added considerable value to each engagement we have had."
- Cloud Computing Enterprise

Still Skeptical About Operational Excellence?

We understand that you may have questions. Here are some additional benefits to consider:

  • Increased Exit Strategy Readiness: Whether you're considering an acquisition or an IPO, a well-defined operational structure will make your company more attractive to potential buyers or investors.
  • Building a Sustainable Business Model: Our services empower you to build a data-driven, efficient, and scalable business model that can support long-term growth and profitability.
  • Future-Proofing Your Business: In today's dynamic market, adaptability is key. Operational excellence allows you to respond to changes quickly and efficiently, ensuring your business remains competitive for years to come.

Operational Voodoo: Your Partner in Business Growth

We are passionate about helping businesses of all sizes achieve their goals. By combining our expertise in operational leadership with a flexible and cost-effective approach, we empower you to:

  • Streamline Operations: Free up valuable time and resources to focus on what matters most.
  • Make Data-Driven Decisions: Leverage data analytics to optimize your operations and achieve sustainable growth.
  • Build a High-Performing Team: Equip your team with the tools and knowledge they need to excel.
  • Navigate the Challenges of Growth: We'll be your trusted advisor on the journey to success.

Let's unlock the magic of operational excellence together!

  • A Collaborative Approach: We believe in building strong partnerships with our clients. We'll work closely with you to understand your specific needs and develop a customized plan for success.
  • Flexible Solutions: We offer a variety of services and engagement models to fit your budget and specific requirements.
  • Data-Driven Approach: We believe in using data to inform decisions and drive growth. Our Fractional COO Services and Coaching programs leverage data analytics to help you optimize operations and maximize your return on investment.
  • Your Trusted Advisor: We'll be your trusted advisor on the journey – offering ongoing support and guidance as you navigate the exciting challenges and opportunities of running a business.

How we help our clients scale as businesses and grow as experts:

Fractional COO Services

In today's business environments, small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs) face constant challenges!They need to continue achieving ambitious growth goals. While managing limited resources. While risk managing against the unexpected. While remaining sane (or trying to!).These businesses often lack the high-level operational leadership typically found in larger companies...Those who have a dedicated and experienced Chief Operating Officer (COO).Hiring a full-time COO can be a significant financial commitment, and is often a big decision for businesses that don't yet know if they require a full-time executive in that role. Or if hiring such an executive is beyond their financial means at that moment in the business's growth.This is where the concept of a fractional COO emerges as a strong strategic advantage for many businesses in such a position...

Fractional COO Pricing

Operational Leadership Coaching

The business world thrives on clear direction and decisive action.As an operational leader, navigating complex challenges and making the right decisions on the fly is crucial to your success and the success of the business you support.Yet, implementing decisive leadership alongside the responsibilities of daily operations can feel overwhelming. Here at Operational Voodoo, we understand your struggles far more than most!That's why our Operational Leaders Coaching program is designed for ambitious individuals like you.Through a blend of education, personalized coaching, and expert mentorship, we empower you to become a decisive operational leader who not only inspires confidence in their employers but also delivers results.

Operational Leadership Coaching

For Founders, CEO's and Investors:

Check out our Fractional COO Services. Designed specifically to help you fix, design, implement and build, stable, scalable operations within your organisation.

  • Fractional COO Services:
    • Optimise Your Business Operations: Streamline processes & increase efficiency.
    • Scale with Skill and Experience: Get access to the strategic operational leadership you need, on-demand and without the full-time overheads of an in-house COO.
    • Focus on Growth: Free yourself to drive strategic direction of the business as a whole. And leave the operations to us!

For Aspiring Operational Leaders:

If you are an Operational Manager already, or aspiring to be one. And you want to get access to coaching and mentorship to accelerate your career. Then you're looking in the right place.

What does the Operational Leadership Program Offer?

  • Gain Hands-On Development in Decisive Operational Leadership: Dig into our bespoke operational development workshops. Giving you the opportunity to develop hands-on skills, in a safe, non-judgmental environment!
  • Unlock Your Leadership Potential: Sharpen your decision-making skills and build the confidence to lead with authority.
  • Accelerate Your Career: Learn how to position yourself as the ideal candidate for top Operations Director, Head of Operations, and COO positions.


What is a Fractional COO?

As a business owner, rapid growth brings both excitement and challenge. Daily Business Operations become overwhelming, leaving you stuck in endless meetings and relentless troubleshooting, losing sight of your achievements and generally feeling run down. Working with a Fractional COO lessens that burden. Without the cost of a full-time COO.

I have a Virtual Assistant. Why do I need a Fractional COO?

VA's perform a crucial and critical function for many businesses. But a VA is not a COO. The same as a Sales Agent is not a Sales Director!

While it is true many VA's have some excellent skills and experiences... The truth is, if you are looking into a Fractional COO, you are doing so for a reason...

Can your VA be levelled up to get there? Sure!

Can we help with that? Also, sure!

But is your VA there yet..? Well, only you can answer that.

But what we would say is: There is a reason you are reading this page... #justsaying

I have an Operations Manager already... Can you help upskill them to an Operations Director and eventually a COO?

Absolutely! We are all about people!

An awesome business operations function is about people, far more than it is about processes and spreadsheets.

If we, together, don't help upskill and level-up your people... Then neither of us is doing our job.

For annual plans, do you offer some kind of split payments or payment plan?

Short answer is no.

The last thing we want is for our services to not be a good fit for our clients.

Annual plans allow for the benefit of saving a little over 25% compared to paying monthly. That benefits both clients and our own business.

But if clients cannot afford right now to invest in an annual plan... Then experience tells us those clients are often not quite ready for an investment of that level anyway.

Decide for yourself what is right for you and your business, where your business is at right now. If you are thinking payment plan, then the monthly option is most likely a better fit for right at the moment.

What kinds of topics do your Fractional COO services cover?

We work with clients, providing consultancy, coaching and mentorship on a multitude of operational areas and topics. Below are just a handful of the most common:

  • Business Operations
  • Process Improvement
  • Systems & Automation
  • Culture Transformation
  • High-Performance Teams
  • Leadership Training
  • Coaching & Mentorship
  • The list goes on, but you get the gist.